Sunday, 5 February 2012

Andrew in January

The third week of January was pretty hectic; in fact now that we are out of January I can say it was a long and busy one. Anyway, I managed to get friends of mine Andrew Gott and Nicholas Gellnar into the studio to shoot their individual portraits. As I said it was incredibly busy, while trying to master the tricky print that was Monika’s photograph I was setting up in the studio.
I think this is where I allowed myself to make mistakes I shouldn’t have. Mistakes where I will probably have to reshoot Andrew again.
With the Mamiya 67 series and many other medium format cameras, you have the option to rotate the back, changing your image from portrait to landscape and vice-versa. Unfortunately, I was too distracted to flip my frame from landscape to portrait. I also believe I didn’t get the light angles correct as well, so that has the colour balance more than off, especially in comparison to Monika’s shoot. It will now look out of place with the rest of the images, so a reshoot is likely to be on the cards. Nevertheless, here are the images.

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